Saltpeter is a chemical substance which you might already been consuming without knowing. Because it’s used in a lot of packaged food items widely available in the market. In today’s post, however we’ll do a deep dive and find out if we can eat saltpeter or not and if so how much is suitable for us. So let’s get started! In Short Yes, humans can eat saltpeter but, considering the dosage of it. You don’t have to eat a large quantity of it as it’s known to damage the natural body functions and interfere with them which can cause headache, dizziness, fatigue, blue colored skin and lips, cause breathing issues and even death. The large dosage can also damage kidneys and cause anemia. You’ve Already Been Fed You might not know already but, a few kind of packaged food items already contain saltpetre as an active preservative. It’s most commonly used in curing meats so the frozen meat that you buy from both online and offline store might be using the sa
Saltpeter which is also known as potassium nitrate (KNO3) is one of the main ingredients in food preservation department. Majority of the companies around the world rely on this chemical to preserve their food so they can not only be able to export the products worldwide but also be able to distribute their product lines in the local market as well. In today’s post, we are going to talk about why saltpeter is an essential chemical and what are the possible replacements if there is any that’s much better in how they can be able to preserve both the frozen food items and general ones. The Main Purpose The main purpose behind the use of saltpeter (potassium nitrate) is to preserve the food especially packaged meat. But, it also has other reasons for its usage. It’s also used as a color retention especially in cured meats such as bacon, corned beef, bologna, ham, pepperoni and hot dogs. Saltpeter Can Cure Asthma Rumors are true. You might not believe b