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Chile Saltpetre: Formula, Misconceptions and Health

chile saltpetre

Here in this article we are going to discuss everything about chile saltpetre or chile saltpeter both mean the same thing) and what’s the purpose of it.

Basically, in a nutshell chile saltpetre is “alkali metal nitrate salt” which have a formula of  NaNO3 but, because it’s a long name we often refer it to as chile saltpetre as it’s way easier to remember and to work with.

Whenever you buy chile saltpetre from both the online and offline store you often have to use “chile saltpetre” to mean what you need to say.

Because most sellers of this chemical in many parts of the world don’t really know its exact formula and the full chemical name of it and thus they become confuse when you try to ask for this chemical via it’s full technical name.

What the Formula of Chile saltpetre?

The chile saltpetre formula is NaNO3.

You can pronounce its chemical composition by saying “Nano 3” this is way easier to remember.

However, the formula for just the normal saltpetre is KNO3 which you can remember by saying “Know 3”.

This is important to distinguish as they are both different chemicals which is why I discuss it in the next heading in detail.

Where to Buy Chile saltpetre?

Buying saltpetre is so much easier now a days. Companies like Amazon provide you with a good amount of options.

But, when it comes to chile saltpetre there is not enough options for you to choose from and the only possible option available is this one:

Misconception about Chile saltpetre

Most people think that the actual saltpetre is the same as chile saltpetre which simply is not the case.

Both are different in both chemical compositions, texture and physical aesthetics.

The actual saltpetre is named as potassium nitrate.

And the chile saltpetre is named as Sodium nitrate and that’ where the difference is.

So make sure what you need when you go to buy a chemical like this as people become so confuse regarding both because of the fact that both the name implies “saltpetre” and thus people do end up getting the wrong chemical instead of the one they actually want.

What Exactly Is Sodium Nitrate and Where It’s Used?

Sodium nitrate “chile saltpetre” is used in various commercial products like beef jerky, bacon, ham, hot dogs, lunch meat, smoked fish and salami. It creates a sharp flavor, controls lipid oxidation, and acts as an antimicrobial. Chile saltpetre can also be found in plants and unregulated drinking water bottles as well.

Is Chile saltpetre Bad For Human Health?

Absolutely, it’s bad for human health and should be avoided or minimized to some extent.

The chile saltpetre may lead to heart disease risk and it’s believed to damage blood vessels which can cause other arteries related problems and can harden and narrow the blood vessels though which it can affect your heart.

Still, after knowing about the health risks it contains companies all around the world use it to manufacture consumable commercial products as it’s an important chemical especially for meat preservation purposes.

Uses of Chile saltpetre (Sodium Nitrate)?

Chile saltpetre is an odorless, colorless and crystalline compound, sometimes referred to as nitrate of soda, or soda niter as well.

It’s so important that saltpetre itself is a bi-product of chile saltpetre which many people aren’t aware of.

Chile saltpetre is responsible for commercial fertilizers, deadly explosives, used in the production of high strength glasses, used in a few pharmaceuticals and is used to preserve meats as mentioned above.


Chile saltpetre comes with many benefits to humans but, at the same time it offers health risk as well.

Just like many other things in the world.

But, we should somehow minimize it to an extent where it doesn’t cost the human living and everything should carry on exactly like we used to live in the early ages which is “natural” and a life that says no to preservatives and processed foods.

But, on the other hand sodium nitrate is a very important part of the world economy so much so that many countries rely on it and be able to financially support themselves when they export goods made up with this preservative.

It’s hard to say that humans can be able to use some other preservative method but for now and for mass production of food related items can’t be fulfilled using the chile saltpetre.


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